BEAMS Technology limited
Energy Consulting

Energy Saving on Existing System

Retro-commissioning (RCs)

To check the building and its controls in its current condition, and to make proposal to optimize the controls to make the

building as energy efficient as is economically feasible via a combination of repairing control devices, replacing less efficient

components with more energy efficient appliances such as chillers, pumps, lighting, lifts and escalators etc., and

reprogramming control sequences so that they reduce energy usage.

Propose Solutions

1.Propose within existing system equipment repair, new equipment replacement and installation, re-design of existing system,

new system design

2.Propose new energy system design like solar and wind power system design and installation

3.Assist customers in Hong Kong to apply for certificate of registration of ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING in Hong Kong if

proposals have been implemented.

4.Implement Energy Improvement System – reduce energy costs, reduce operating costs, more greenable enterprises and

more market competitiveness.

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